Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 18/19

So I seems like I've counted incorrectly, today is actually day 19.  Only 3 days left for 21 days of reprogramming, but it won't be the end of the happiness project.

It is also July 2nd, the prompt for today was "busy".  Here is my photo:

1) My inflatable mattress wasn't half bad last night.
2) I get to have dinner with my friends tonight.
3) The puppies are on air again.

Good deed:
Giving away a groupon (hopefully, if she wants it)

I spoke with a lady at the health services office at ASU today.  She asked me what my date of birthday was and I said July 8th.  Then she told me her's was July 7th.  Then we both said "Happy Birthday a few days early!". It was a funny but happy moment.  It is nice the things that might bring people together.  The phone call was much more pleasant than I was expecting, a lot of that was probably attributeable to the fact that Diane and I had that exchange at the beginning of our call.

The patience and the wisdom in seeing the best in everyone.

My gym membership is officially over.  So I'll be doing jumping jacks and random things in my apartment tonight.  30 minutes of that is probably more legitimate than my last few nights of stuff.

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