Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 18/19

So I seems like I've counted incorrectly, today is actually day 19.  Only 3 days left for 21 days of reprogramming, but it won't be the end of the happiness project.

It is also July 2nd, the prompt for today was "busy".  Here is my photo:

1) My inflatable mattress wasn't half bad last night.
2) I get to have dinner with my friends tonight.
3) The puppies are on air again.

Good deed:
Giving away a groupon (hopefully, if she wants it)

I spoke with a lady at the health services office at ASU today.  She asked me what my date of birthday was and I said July 8th.  Then she told me her's was July 7th.  Then we both said "Happy Birthday a few days early!". It was a funny but happy moment.  It is nice the things that might bring people together.  The phone call was much more pleasant than I was expecting, a lot of that was probably attributeable to the fact that Diane and I had that exchange at the beginning of our call.

The patience and the wisdom in seeing the best in everyone.

My gym membership is officially over.  So I'll be doing jumping jacks and random things in my apartment tonight.  30 minutes of that is probably more legitimate than my last few nights of stuff.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Days 16 and 17

I missed a day!!!

I have a good excuse though, I managed to move most of the stuff out of my apartment on Saturday.  My apartment now echoes because there is little to absorb the sound.  It is a strange feeling, but liberating just the same.   It is the sound of chapter enddings and new beginnings.  It is the sound of acceptance and reinvention. It is frightening and exciting all at the same time.

But it is July 1: so here is my self-portrait. 

Since I did miss a day, I am going to have to catelog two days worth of happiness and positivity.

Day 16:

Meditation: the blessing of good work. Sometimes it is hard to get off my butt to really do what I need to do.  But after a long day of moving and getting things done (things that have been looming for weeks), I feel AWESOME.  Even though it sucks at the time and the short term benefits seem alluring, there is nothing like feeling accomplished.

Exercise: Moving for 4 hour. Ya, FOUR HOURS! In the ARIZONA heat.  That HAS to count.  Right?  Plus, my arms are a little sore.

1) My brother came home safe from Guadalajara.
2) We were able to get into the hospital after my brother's flight got in.
3) We were able to move my stuff out of my apartment and down to Tucson.

My parents tell the same jokes ALL the time.  When I was younger, I have to admit it was a little annoying.  I think it was because I interpreted it as "Do they think I forgot the punchline?".  But now when I'm older, I love the same jokes.  My dad tells the same jokes he's told since I was little because I think he likes to reminisque.  My mom repeats the same joke days apart because she thinks it is still funny and she wants to relive the laughs (an important part of happiness, for sure).  The day of moving with my mom and dad was all of this combined.  Fantastic.

Good Deed:
Reaching out to an old friend to tell them how wonderful I think they are.

Day 17 (or moving day part 2):

Meditation:  Youth. Even though I consider myself still very young, I realize how much I take my youth for granted.  There is nothing like stepping on the edge of the unknown and leaping forward just to see what happens.  I think that is kind of how I see youth.  You just keep walking into the darkness trusting that other people have made it before, and that it'll be fine.

Reflection:  One of the people I respect most in my life is my brother.  He is one of the kindest, most level headed people I know.  I look up to him as a rolemodel, I look to him as a friend, and I lean on him because he is my brother.  He is a rock.  I think the love he has for his friends and family is beautiful and awesome.  Anytime I witness that kind of love, I feel energized because I know that love is out there.  I am thankful everyday that I have such models for love and caring in my life.

1) I GOT A NEW PHONE! The duck is finally dead! (If you don't understand this statement, you may not have talked to me on the phone the last 2 months or so.  But trust me when I say, the duck going away is definitely a good thing.)
2) I spoke with Ben L. for a while today.  It is always awesome to talk to old friends.
3) My brother and I wandered Toys-R-US for like an hour today.  How awesome is that?

Moving stuff from the trailer into the house.  I am counting this again, I have a lot of stuff.  That has to be kind of legitimate.

Good deed:
It isn't really random, but I was grateful for the opportunity to help pick out action figures.

A call for prayers and love:
Please pray or send good vibes into the universe for Sterling (an NFD firefighter), his family and friends.  He was an amazing person who brought laughs, joy, and security to the people around him.  Also, please keep an eye out for any leads for the person who caused all of this pain.  Here is a short article with more information.

Please be safe.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Reprogramming 71% complete

I think I've lost count of which day I am on.  It must be something like day 15.  This has been one crazy rollercoaster month.  I can only be thankful that we all made it out as well as we did.

Today was a great Friday.  I worked until about noon and then my friend, Michael (see picture below), drove me to 1-n-10 a youth outreach program in downtown Phoenix.  Along with other PwC volunteers we cleaned up, painted walls, and we constructed a table for the youth center. 1-n-10 is a program designed to reduce teen suicides and to promote education.  They just started a high school charter program there.

Also pictured here is Keven (yes with two e's) helping me put togehter the table.  Then there is Lee who is apparently trying to make sure I'm screwed together well.

1) My parents are here to help me move.
2) I only had to work 4 hours today.
3) I feel like I'm leaving PwC with some good friends.

Embracing the ending of chapters. Then there is the random motivational poster... but you know, whatever inspires you...

Cleaning and putting together a complicated table PLUS moving (all taking up about 5 hours) counts for today...

Good deed:;
Volunteering at 1-n-10.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Letting go

When to let go and when to fight for what you want. Sometimes they are the same thing.

"Where there is no wood, ther fire goes out; and where there is no talebearer, strife ceases." - Proverbs 26:20 (To be completely fair, I got this quote from the happiness project.)


Today Lisa and I went rock climbing at the Phoenix Rock Gym in Tempe.  It was fantastic.  Good exercise and fun company always make for a good time.  Plus!  this counts as my exercise! Picture proof! (I think this picture makes me look shorter than I actually am, because Lisa is tall and she takes it from a higher perspective.  That is what I am going to tell myself anyway.)  I also went to the normal gym today.  It was my last day of gym membership, so I felt I should go on principle.

Gym AND rock climbing!!!

Good deed:
I bought a pie for my cousins

1) Thankful that this apartment has been so good to me for the last year and a half
2) Thankful that I have so many people who love me and want to spend time with me before I leave
3) Thankful tomorrow is Friday and I get to go do some community service!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Preparing for July

A friend on facebook posted this list of pictures to take for every day in the month of July. So here goes, starting July 1 I'll start adding a random photo to see how well I keep up with this.  Should be fun!

Today was a hilarious day at work. My coworker, Nick, decided to pull a prank on our other coworker, Chris.  So while Chris was outside, Nick snuck under his desk and hid.  Nick was squished in the cramped space for a good 5 minutes waiting for Chris to come back, but I think we can all agree it was worth it.

When Chris came back in, Nick waited until Chris started working diligently at his computer before he pounced and scared the witts out of Chris.  It was probably the best day at work I've had in a while.

1) This is my last full week of work! It is getting crazy!
2) I'm glad I got to see my friend's new house and I got to visit his puppies.
3) Air-conditioning! It was SO HOT outside today.

and also... puppies

Gathering data for decisions.  Sometimes I have enough data to make hard decisions, I just don't want to do it.  Other times, I want to rush the decision before I have enough data.  Finding a true balance...

I started packing up my apartment.  Packing and carrying 6 boxes of books counts as exercise, TRUST ME.

Good Deed:
I gave away some of my office things at work today.  Some of them were mine and some of them were passed down from one person to the next.  Either way, it was nice to bestow gifts to the younger associates.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

3rd place!!!

So usually I wouldn't brag about 3rd place, but I am super proud of this. Rob, Lisa, and I went to Boulders on Broadway and managed to win 3rd place.

1) We won 3rd place at trivia.
2) One of the partners took me out to lunch today.
3) I got a lot of work done today!

Honesty and truth to you and other people.

eeeek, I don't think walking from the parking lot counts.  I am really falling short in this department

Good deed:
Tipping extra for my teammates! :)