Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 10

This one is going to be a little short because it is late, but I want to get this in before day 10 is over.

1) My parents were here to hold my hand through life stuff.
2) I got to talk to someone I've miss quite a bit.
3) Google hang out is awesome.

Family is beautiful.  Either by blood or otherwise, family is awesome.

I am so thankful my parents were here today.  It was the perfect day for them to come in, because I don't know who else is around that would have been able to sit with me for hours the way they did.  They are beautiful people and I am so blessed to have them.  I am also just thankful the wonderful people who showed their love for me in texts and phone calls.  Thank you for loving me. There is nothing like it in the world.

Golfing? maybe?

Good deed:
We bought a bunch of food this woman was selling, because we knew how much she was struggling to sell her homemade food.