Monday, June 25, 2012


I know I meditate and think about gratitude a lot, but I think it is such an important part of being happy.  Another friend of mine said "if you lack happiness, you lack gratitude".  Many of us have so much to be thankful for and it is the act of taking those things for granted that makes us unhappy or lustfully wanting more.

I have been watching a lot of movies lately.  Today my coworker and I talked at length about the recent Prometheus movie.  It was entertaining, visually beautiful, but overall confusing. 

We exchanged theories about character motives, movie plots, and general reasons for production.  Overall, it was a fun exchange to have.  Not to mention, it kept us having our noses to the grind stone for that lovely extra five to ten minutes.

1) Glad my parents stayed until Monday
2) Glad I had someone explain the SB1070 ruling for me.
3) Happy that this will be my last full week of work.

Exercise: GYM!

Good Deed: I have been trying to spread the joy that is this live puppy video to as many people as I can.

The white puppy, that my friend Nura refers to as "Snowflake" is currently missing from the screen.  But I suspect she is napping out of view. Don't worry, I'm sure she is still there.