Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dad's Ordination

Day 3: Dad's Ordination

(1) It rained today.  There is nothing like Arizona summer rain.  The desert smells beautiful and it is so calming.  It is as if all the troubles and stresses just melt away, if not just for that afternoon.
(2) My dad is officially a deacon!!!
(3) We had a mini family reunion!  Lots of little adorable babies running around making us exercise and work for their love and affection.

There always seems to be a billion and a half things to worry about.  Right now seems to be the perfect time to start panicking: HUGE life changes, (hopefully temporary) absences of important relationships, random health concerns, etc. etc.  Even though there are always things to worry about, there are so many things to be thankful for.  Thankful for the moment I got to hold baby Nora today and she didn't scream, but instead she smiled and giggled.  The moment my dad opened his heap of presents which symbolized the culmination of 4 years of achievement, patience and love.  Gifts that were the perfect representation of the love and celebration that brought us all together.  Amazing and beautiful.

Most of all, I am so incredibly thankful for hope.  Hope for the future. Hope for change.  Truly lasting, empowering and loving change.  The most recent Shawn Achor quote is: Happiness is not that we don't need to change, it is the hope and recognition that we can change.

We can become complacent with life, or even bored when we stay the same.  Happiness comes from growth and change. 

This sounds random, but when I'm home with my family it is hard to find 30 minutes to exercise.  So tonight, I just marched in my brother's room while we watched a movie.  It is actually pretty effective cardio.  But I know what you're thinking... and I will try something more strenuous tomorrow.

Random Act of Kindness:
I always see beautiful couples or radiant people.  Today in church, I awkwardly but sincerely thanked random people for exuding a peace and inner beauty.  They really did radiate a peace and joy that I was quite thankful for.

Will post pictures soon.

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