Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Horizon

Day 8!

1) My friend, Tarreyn, mentioned my project on her blog, Tarreyn Land. (Isn't she beautiful?)

2) I finished painting my shoes. (Let me know what you think.  Shoes a child would wear? How bad would it be if I wore these?)

3) I made some strides for my finance project.


(HAHA! I searched google images and evidently there is a movie!!!)

Sometimes I find myself chasing the horizon. Funny thing about horizon's though, you can never really get there. I've been incredibly lucky with opportunities and resources in my life.  I have had wonderful people to help motivate me and walk with me on my journey.  I have a terrible habit of dismissing my accomplishments and the things my various communities have help me achieve. Thinking about it now, it seems like a disservice to these friends and mentors.

(If you want a visual of what a horizon is with math)

So I need to realize that being happy and proud of my accomplishments doesn't mean I will stop striving.  Contentment with progress doesn't have to be complacency.  Instead, it will give me more motivation to keep going.  So, today's goal: appreciate how far I've come from when I started.

(I'm not going to lie, I picked this picture because it has a puppy)

Good Deed:
It is weird how quickly I can get wrapped up in my world and forget to reach out to my friends and family living afar.  So I made it a point to send my cousin in Vietnam an email.

I wrote about Chi Hieu in another blog a while back.  I wrote her an email about my life, what I was doing, and the HUGE life change I was going through. I thanked her and her family for being so supportive and nice while I was over there.  She responded enthusiastically, and told me my Vietnamese writing wasn't too bad.  (That is a compliment in my book, because oh boy I haven't read or written Vietnamese in a while.)


Thanks to Tarreyn for this picture and the link!
For some good vibes check out this series "21 pictures that will restore your faith in humanity".


  1. BLARG! I wrote this whole thing, and accidentally closed the tab!


    I re-imagined the image of the baby and cat to be David and a kitten, with a speech bubble over his head that says "Con meo". haha. I just realized that 'meo' is like 'Meow'. Weird.

    Anyway, I thought about your happiness project today (in the bathroom weirdly). I thought about that guy's thought on how if you keep striving for something that will give you happiness on the other side, how do you become happy? I came up with, well you can still achieve things and be happy about it, while continuing to strive for other things. Which is the key goal. And BAM! This is exactly what you wrote. I think this requires a delicate balance. Which in the other post I talked about my dislike for technology. I think it has really sped things up and compressed time. We're always multitasking, and rushing to complete things. When sometimes you just need to slow down and take a break. Awesome. "You have a good day meow"
